Category: Identity

Trans & Gender Non-Conforming Members of the Polyam Community Represent

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by Danielle Carlson, AMFT Back in May, I was fortunate to be part of a panel of trans and gender non-conforming (TGNC) members of the polyam community at the 1st Annual Chicago Non-Monogamy conference. We got to talk about our own experiences of dating and being non-monogamous as non-binary people, and also had the chance […]

How Do Polyamorists Identify Themselves?

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by Rami Henrich, LCSW & Cindy Trawinski, Psy.D. This is the second in a series of articles about the intersections of polyamorous identities and psychotherapy, adapted from our article in Sexual and Relationship Therapy, “Social and therapeutic challenges facing polyamorous clients” (Henrich & Trawinski 2016). In this installment, we provide an overview of Rami’s research findings, which uncover […]

Why Therapists May Misuse Their Power—and How to Avoid It (Video)

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Why do we sometimes misuse power even when we know better?  That question is at the core of POWER: A USER’S GUIDE, the latest book by coach, facilitator, educator, and author Julie Diamond, Ph.D. In this video, Julie speaks with LifeWorks’ Cindy Trawinski about power dynamics in therapeutic relationships, as well as how therapists can […]

The Distinction between Personal and Positional Power (Video)

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Why is learning about “personal” versus “positional” power so important? That question is at the core of POWER: A USER’S GUIDE, the latest book by coach, facilitator, educator, and author Julie Diamond, Ph.D. As its title suggests, Power: A User’s Guide is a how-to manual for anybody—parent, boss, teacher, politician, social activist—for whom wielding authority […]

Managing After the Inauguration

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by Rami Henrich, LCSW The days following the 2016 US Presidential Election were difficult for many people. No matter which candidate you supported, you may have found yourself overwhelmed by distressing news reports, tense conversations with loved ones, and your own complicated feelings. Now with the inauguration over and the new administration taking shape, many […]

8 Ways to Take Action Against Islamophobia

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by Cindy Trawinski, Psy.D. Prejudice, stereotyping, bias—however we understand these tendencies and attitudes, we can learn to identify, confront, wrestle with, accept, and change them within ourselves. Sometimes, however, doing so is possible only with great difficulty. Discrimination takes many forms, including harassment, bullying, hate speech, and scapegoating. Such behaviors put others at risk, cause […]

Becoming a Trans Ally

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by Cindy Trawinski, Psy.D. My world and life, like many people’s, is a mix of privilege and struggle. As a cisgender woman, I have some privileges that trans women and men do not. For example, I can assume that others will use my preferred pronouns (she, her, and hers) when referencing me. As a person […]

Your Best Friend Tells You They are Kinky

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by Carrie Jameson, LCPC So, your best friend tells you they are kinky and/or they practice BDSM (Bondage and Discipline [BD], Dominance and Submission [Ds], Sadism and Masochism [SM]). Whether it is your best friend, a sibling, parent, or child,  you may want to be an ally, but simply don’t know what to do or […]

Cultural Competence & Bias

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by Cindy Trawinski, Psy.D. As therapists, we recognize our ethical obligations to know and acknowledge the limits of our training and skills. We know that our expertise grows over time with experience and supervision, reading, dialogue and further training. These activities contribute to our mastery of specialized areas, methods or skills. But what about cultural […]

Beyond Ethics: Power in the Helping Relationship

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by Julie Diamond, Ph.D. When I was working as a therapist, I often asked myself about the future of psychotherapy. I even wrote an article about it in 2000, called Five Predictions on the Future of Psychotherapy. In it, I said that the paternalistic doctor-patient model will be replaced by a partnership model. I wasn’t […]

Power Dynamics Go Beyond Ethics

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Most graduate programs mention the issue of a power difference between client and therapist as a potential ethical issue. But power dynamics go beyond ethics: power dynamics shape how we feel and perceive ourselves and each other. Power is subtle and impacts the psychotherapy relationship as well most relationships. Clients in kinky or polyam communities […]